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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day to day.

My week (Monday through Friday) is actually rather boring, occasionally something of interest will happen, lets empathize occasionally.

6:00 AM- Wake up, brush teeth, shower, get dressed, do makeup and straighten my hair a bit.

6:47 AM- Run down stairs for some cereal and OJ. Check the social networks while I chat with my mom a bit.
7:00 AM- Leave for school. Dad drops me off and I just make it. Head to my locker, gab with some friends, throw a few books into my LongChamp and off I go.

9:55 AM- Already done with History, Algebra and Spanish.

10:00-11:55 AM- Drawing and Painting with some of my favorite senior girls. Currently working on a very cool surrealism piece. Then to my favorite academic class, English.

NOON- Lunch, today I had a Iced Tea and California Roll.

12:30 PM- Science..a very grim 50 minutes. Then the rest of the day is free, until..

2:05 PM- Head to rehearsal for the musical.

3:10- Home. Crack a book or two. Then go for a run.

4:30- The rest of my night consists of studying, dinner and possibly some Glee. In bed by 10:30.

Blue Eye lite Dress
Silver Toms
Navy LongChamp for books
Vineyard Vines tote for gym clothes
Jennifer Zuener Inital Necklace (aMk)
Pearl J. Crew Headband
Silver Bangles.


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